Discover with Danni’s Open Letter to the Leaders of the World

New Years is a time of reflection on the past and resolutions for the future, and with this new year and indeed, new decade I want to take the opportunity to convey to you, the leaders of our world exactly what climate action means to me and the importance of resolutions made now to protect our future.

I struggled to put into words the urgency of the climate situation and the hope to inspire action. Then I realized, there was nothing I could say that had not been said before.

Words cried out from the mouths of children across the globe, calling for changes they themselves do not yet have the power to enact.

Words expressed in eloquent understanding from some of the greatest scientific and conservation minds of our time.

Words we already know to be true, and yet, have still not acted upon!

To quote the late Professor Stephen Hawking, “One of the greatest revelations of the space age has been the perspective it has given humanity on ourselves. When we see the earth from space, we see ourselves as a whole. We see the unity, not the divisions. It is such a simple image with such a powerful message; one planet, one human race!”

How is it that we humans, who are ourselves a mere collection of atoms have come to an understanding of the laws governing our universe. Forces we have not seen, touched, heard or smelt and yet, we cannot understand that our very survival relies upon this one beautiful planet?

I look at the world and I have seen firsthand entire forests burning to ashes, the homes of island nations sinking beneath the waves of ever raising sea levels, species extinction occurring at exponential rates and world leaders who far from acknowledging and confronting the issue of climate change, instead flat out deny its existence!

But, whether you believe them or not, the scientific facts remain that human activities are a leading cause in the alteration of the environmental sustainability of our planet.

And it may not be today, or even tomorrow, but in this future that we journey towards together there is a day that marks the point at which we cannot turn back. That we cannot change the inevitable results of over-consumption, pollution, deforestation and the ever increasing destruction of the natural world.

On that day, are you prepared to look into the eyes of the children of the world and say we “could have” saved it. We “could have” changed it, but we did not have the courage to act.

We are the cause, we are the reason, and yet we are also the solution. No one is coming to save us, we are our only hope!

In a time when political dominance, military might and economic wealth are viewed as the most important and influential factors among our nations you need to realise that none of it matters, if we do not have an Earth upon which to exist.

Sustainable energy powering a global community, restoring the wild places of the world, some may deem these impossible tasks, and yet, have we not already proven that we are capable of achieving the impossible. It was once impossible to reach the moon, and now, with knowledge, determination and motivation we stand upon it!

We understand that there are no magic solutions to reach these goals and damage created over centuries cannot be fixed overnight. But if we never start, then how can we ever expect to achieve them.

It is up to every individual to accept their role in this world and their responsibility in protecting and preserving it. It will not be one person doing everything perfectly but millions making small changes, small choices and small actions that make the biggest impact. But it is up to you, the leaders of our nations, the role models, the powers that set the foundations for our future, to provide the means and the motivation to do so.

You have a responsibility to lead, one placed upon you by the power of the people. So please, lead us in a direction we would be proud to follow. And no, achieving these goals may not make you popular, and they may not make you rich. But if popularity and wealth were your sole aims then you should not be leading!

We need leaders with the courage and wisdom to rise to the challenge, to act not out of self interest, but out of common interest.

After all I believe Peter Quill said it best; Why should we save it? Because we are the idiots who live here! And next year, as we reflect upon 2020, let us be able to celebrate the year we started to save the world!

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